Monday, February 06, 2006

red letter day

a red numbered day,
today. fifth of the second month.
no special holiday
but a sunday.

twenty one days away
from my birthday
a time to be merry
and gay.

how should i spent it?
it should be a hit,
and on the beat.

a mcdonald's party house,
maybe? or be a santa clause
giving away

something to the less fortunate.
oh great! but it is very
plastic of me

wanting to give when i
should receive. and if i
don't even have a thing.

so we'll just drown ourselves
with the orange sauce
of the burger mcdo

(and this is frustration, supposedly
it should be ketchup, tomato
and onions)

as we try to take a
grip of every french fry
held by ronald who

i am still confused for
hamburglar is a burger;
that bird is a fried chicken.

Friday, February 03, 2006

debate number one (where you and i are no winners)

i am not with you:
There's this distance,
and as we take each curve
we only find out that we are farther.

i am not with you:
Let's just say we are when
you only wake up when we stop
and a mistake - for it was just a light from post.

i am not with you:
It is drinking on the rocks
i feel the pleasure of guilt
i feel the guilt of pleasure.

i am not with you:
You don't get me
as our hands slip everytime we touch
and understanding is not your thing.

written: january 26 2006, 2:21 am
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