Friday, September 19, 2008

hello friday

hello friday,

i don't wanna go home
because you made me want to.
why would the rain fall this hard tonight?

hello friday,

are you telling me to stay
here, in mcdo,

hello friday,

do you know what i have been thinking?

hello friday,

where are you?
where is she?
where am i?

hello friday,

you are about to go
but i don't wanna meet you again.

hello friday,


hello friday,

tell me to stop
raining, thinking,
assuming and raining.
i am drowned already.

hello friday,

give me peace
tell the rain
to stop

hello friday,

tell me to stop
tell to tell her

hello friday,

are you going to save me
are you helping

goodbye, friday.

i'm gonna leave you.


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