Thursday, November 30, 2006


that was the last time that i saw her.
she was crossing the street as i take my last
glimpse of her.
each step became a quarter of a second to miss her.

i did not bother walking a few more walks
with her. for i know a time not so far away
will come when i have to walk again with her.

each of us had her hugged but i
did not listen to the words she hushed.
for i know a time not so far away will come
when i have to talk to her again.

though the ride gave me an idea
how edsa looked like on that lonely night,
i kept on picturing out her last image to me.
definitely it was one of the best yet most

don't worry for on that same crossroad
we'll meet on a time not so far away.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

another stalker moment

she stood infront of me
waiting for her turn to have the reproduced paper.

silence was nothing but a music
but in me,
loud noise keep on bothering me.

"you are deadly, get away from me."

she was tall as i am.
her long hair laid rest on her shoulders.
and the locks accentuated her green flowing top.

her pants hugged her tightly
which showed off the beauty of her behind
and her well formed legs.

my legs trembled as i noticed her
looking at her back. only to realize
that she had to sit on the chair near her.

her aesthetically gifted posture stood out as
she crossed her legs. and my oh my,
my neurons were dead at instant.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


that structure of rusty yet sturdy metal
above and towering katipunan
hinted me to amaze myself at the clouds
fronting the vast blue sky.

roads branching out kept me traveling.
i am nowhere to be found.

tall and slim skyscrapers wiped me out
as they arranged themselves to a perfectly
lined up cover to the three o clock sun.

the vehicle went to its maximum speed
but i handbraked my eyes to see the valley
projecting its beauty despite the hills of loyola
and ranges of sierra cornered him.

and now, i realized that i have
good reasons to continue studying
in a land far away from home