Saturday, August 25, 2007

this third one's good, luna

i see you alone, luna.
alone with your only star.

you shine even brighter
you are here
the star was here.

what is with the distance?
and him.

it's only today i see you together.

you still shine even brighter --
brighter than the last time i see you in

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

she should hear it:
i told it to the friends of her friends,
i once shouted it on top of a building,
i left a message on her old number.

she should read it:
i posted it on my blog (which she doesn't know),
i wrote it on my chemistry chair,
i even wrote it on air for her to see.

she should know me:
my fingers once had a slight contact with hers,
she once asked me for a light,

"i know i heard someone call me"
"i know i saw my name on a chair"
"who was this guy?"