Friday, December 28, 2007

that rose

taking away her thorns
just makes her not adorable.

it would just leave her

because someone, like
me, shouldn't be
touching her

and should be staring
only at her

i just wondered how would
she live without the
thorns --

would she still be
that adorable rose?


Thursday, December 27, 2007

one afternoon

the second cup of coffee has gone cold.
and could have melted from my never ending stare.
i've been doing the ninoy,
that my right cheek has turned red.

the rain has to stop.

i've been walking in circles
with my arms on my head.
my heart's beating wildly
and it could no longer contain.

in a while, the sun would shine.

i am already holding the knob -
ready to push it.
but shouldn't i be cautious,
for someone might be standing behind it?

no, i should no longer wait for the moon.