Saturday, March 14, 2009

bonifacio-rizal (and the two met at the end of the bridge)

you are every poet's dream.

the trail started after the beso
it was dark, but the moon,
oh so full, oh so round
lit the street.

bonifacio must have been lonely:
cars just passed him by,
and people bothered to stop
and stare.

motorcycles passed by.
hitting the mark close
to a hundred.

street lamps,
the piƱatas on top of the street,
used their fluorescence to guide
the tipsy drivers.

and i turned left on the corner,
meeting rizal.

stopping the fx,
only to find out,
she'd been left behind.

little boys,
showing off their maturity,
were acting and dressing
like grown-up women.

street lights,
glowing and competing with the moon,
"hey, you can stop."

and the love ended
at the corner:

"manong, sa may kanto lang."
"ma, para sa tabi."
